Friday, February 23, 2024
Miss Mouse
Monday, February 5, 2024
Student & Instructor Exhibition at the Art Barn
Art Barn, Valpariaso, Indiana
Reception: Feb 2, 2024 | 5-7 PM
Jan 26 - Feb 29, 2024
From the Art Barn website:
Instructors who taught, and students who participated in, 2023 classes were invited to showcase their art to the Art Barn community. The purpose of this exhibition is three-fold: It provides an opportunity for instructors to share their work with students and the greater community; to provide a platform for students to share their projects and creative efforts; and for Art Barn to shine a light on classes and workshops, while inspiring others to explore our educational offerings.
Workshop: Antique Technique Sampler
Learn three different historical art-making techniques in this unique workshop with Karen Ackoff. On day 1, students will learn moist brush technique with watercolor, a method that allows for layering of watercolor, developing both subtle gradations of tone and rich, saturated color. On day 2, students will learn the historical technique of silverpoint drawing, a drawing method used before modern day pencils were available. Drawing with silver creates a delicate image that develops warm tones as the silver tarnishes over time. Contemporary egg tempera will also be covered. Ackoff's method takes the effort out of traditional egg tempera, using watercolor with an egg yolk binder to create translucent layers, resulting in a luminous painting that is an excellent way to empahsize light and shadow. Coffee, tea, and lunch will be provided for participants each day, as well as some art supplies. A suggested list for purchase will be provided to students. Deadline to register is Friday, March 1.
For more info: Art Barn website