31 August 2006 – 8 March 2024
Weema was 17-1/2 years old. Her last few years were tough. She had dementia. She was restless at times, paced and circled. I fed her by hand. She slept in a "side sleeper" (meant for babies) so she wouldn't fall out of bed. But through all of this, she knew who I was, loved her treats, had a good appetite and still played occasionally with Taki, my younger dog.
She grew up in a trio of dogs – Zabi, Tickle and Weema. Zabi was a babysitter-dog if there ever was one. He raised both Tickle and Weema. He'd lie down to play with Weema when she was a tiny pup, so he wouldn't hurt her. They'd roll around and "nose fence" (bop their noses, baring their teeth in play). Tickle was more standoff-ish at first. Then, one day, Tickle grabbed Weema's back leg in her mouth and growled. Weema froze. Then Tickle released Weema's leg and Weema wiggled in glee as if saying, "do it again!". So Tickle had a different way of playing, but she played with Weema just the same.
They would all sleep together.
Dogs could teach us all a whole lot about the art of loving.